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Golden Diners

CISA is happy to support this month Golden Diners: a Salvation Army program.

What is the Golden Diners?

The Golden Diners program provides nutritious meals for those age 60 and over. The program offers not only the opportunity for seniors at risk of malnutrition to have a good meal, but it also encourages seniors to come out and enjoy lunch with their peers at our community dining sites located throughout Kane and McHenry Counties. Several sites have activities during the meal times that are conducted by the host sites. We want the seniors to have access to an appropriate meal, fun, and friendship.

What kinds of meals are served?

The Center serves hot, nutritious meals that meet one-third of the required daily allowance. Meals include a protein, starch, vegetable, fruit and milk. Most menus are low fat, low cholesterol and diabetic friendly.

Today the need is even greater.

As the elderly population grows, The Salvation Army is serving more meals than ever before. More than 4,000 older adults are currently participating in the program, and nearly 199,000 meals are being provided annually. Just as essential are the opportunities for building new friendships, socializing, educating and providing programs with a spiritual focus.

See more at: The Salvation Army

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