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Letter from the President


Value. Service. Integrity. Quite easily promised, but maintaining these ideals in the long run is the mark of a truly professional organization. 

These are amoung the goals, standards actually, that begin each day at CISA and have existed since 1974.  CISA understands that insurance program decisions are among the most important ones made by an Association for the protection of the community as a whole.  Few decisions have such a fundamental bearing on an Association's financial security.  It is our commitment to help measure these requirements and custom tailor an insurance program that offers the greatest protection at the highest value possible.  These are the fundamentals that have made CISA Chicagoland's leading specialist for community associations and the reason we have proudly been able to add Wisconsin community associations to our client list.

Price is certainly an integral park of any purchasing decision, but the quality and value of any insurance program is more than just a number on the bottom of the page.  Since 1974, CISA has stood for excellence in our specialty.  We have remained our industry's leader where others have come and gone, unable to withstand the challenges of an ever changing marketplace.  CISA is committed to serve and support our customers by providing them the best possible programs and terms available, regardless of the current economic climate.

I invite you to explore why so many of our clients have made us Chicago's leading community associations insurance advocate, and I appreciate you allowing us the opportunity to show you the CISA difference.



Mark McLallen

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