(847) 870-7000
Condominium Insurance Specialists of America:
Community Association Specialists
You can be assured that our staff is here to answer your questions, listen to your concerns, and open the doors of communication between you and the insurance company.
Send an Email to Claims:
Our first and primary goal is to guide you through the Claims process as quickly and painlessly as possible.
For those experiencing a claim, it can be a challenging time and we want to lend our support and expertise to help you through it. Please contact Grace Kozlowski in our Claims Department at (847) 628‐3263 or Barbara Henson the Claims Manager at (847) 628‐3232. Our main number is (847) 870‐7000 to be connected with someone in the Claims Department during normal business hours and Claims reporting after normal business hours is (847) 826‐8203.
As a guideline to filing a claim, we offer this advice.
First, always notify the proper emergency personnel in the event of property damage or injury.
Always notify CISA of any property damage or injury immediately.
Always take the necessary steps to avoid further damage by hiring the necessary vendors.
Always notify CISA of any incident that may potentially lead to a claim as soon as possible.
Always notify CISA of any lawsuits or written notification of potential lawsuits against the Association or its Board Members.
**Remember, insurance is intended for catastrophic losses, not to act as a maintenance policy. Insurance Companies review frequency of claims, claim pay-outs, and any lack of maintenance at the property when adjusting a claim. Subsequently, it may affect the premiums.
To download a Workers Compensation First Report of Injury Form 45, please click here. This form must be returned to our office immediately before a claim can be reported.